
Captivating Keynote Sessions that Enlighten and Motivate

Immerse yourself in thought-provoking discussions led by visionaries. Mark your calendar for our Keynote Sessions.

Doing Better (With Kindness + A Little Math)
Tuesday, April 30 | 8:00-9:00 AM

Speakers: Jeff Leer and James Rhee


Senior Living in 5, 10, and 20 Years
Wednesday, May 1 | 8:30-9:25 AM

Speaker: Mark Bryan

Explore more information about each session and faculty member below.

Faculty Member

Tuesday, April 30 from 8:00-9:00 AM

Jeff Leer had recently uncovered research that revealed that far too many of our industry’s vital employees are struggling with food insecurity, financial instability, and social isolation.  Leveraging the perspectives and processes of red helicopter, Jeff and his team are in the early stages of transforming Five Star through a social compact of human-centric methodologies that measure and unlock value using kindness and math.  This means investing in Five Star’s employees with a compensation and benefit program to align with the company’s values and to drive home their belief that happy team members make happy residents. It also required a rethinking of other measurements and some hard decisions. This people promise is at the forefront of what Jeff and his team strive for every day, but they can’t do it alone.  What can we, as an industry, do better? 

Don’t miss this one-to-one conversation with Jeff and James. Register now to attend.

Doing Better (With Kindness + A Little Math)
Faculty Member

Wednesday May 1, 2024 8:30 - 9:25 AM

As the senior foresight manager at the Future Today Institute, Mark Bryan advises companies of all sizes and across various industries on the direction in which their marketplace is headed — today, tomorrow, and in the years ahead. From Web3 to AI and everything in between, Bryan delves into the emerging trends and disruptive technologies that are making waves in business and society, zeroes in on their potential impact on your group’s specific industry, and explores how these advancements will revolutionize business models, customer experiences, and workforce dynamics. Register Now!

Senior Living in 5, 10, and 20 Years
Call to Action