Exhibitors & Sponsors

Marketing & Sponsorship Opportunities

Reach 2,000 U.S.-Based Mental Health Clinicians

Psych Congress, the largest independent conference for mental health clinicians, focuses on the practical application of advances in healthcare, enabling attendees to positively impact patient and community health. Attendees use this meeting to improve their patient care and practice setting in part by exploring the Exhibit Hall and promotional opportunities to research products and services that may assist them.


37th Annual Psych Congress 

Location: Boston, MA
Venue: Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Preconference: October 29, 2024
Conference Dates: October 29 - November 2, 2024
Exhibit Hall Dates: October 30 - November 1, 2024
Product Theaters: October 29 - November 2, 2024

Advertising and sponsorship opportunities will prominently display your company’s message to draw interest among your intended audience and ensure that you receive high-quality attention. Promotional offerings include:

  • Advertisements
  • Exhibits
  • Product Theaters (Innovation Theaters)
  • Sponsorship

Download Exhibit & Sponsorship Information


To learn more about exhibit and sponsorship opportunities, please email sales@psychbehavioral.net.