Arthur Robin Williams

Dr. Williams is the Chief Medical Officer and physician co-founder of Ophelia Health Inc. a telehealth Medicaid health home for the treatment of opioid use disorder. He is also an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry with a decade of experience analyzing observational data including EHR, insurance claims, and epidemiological reports. He is funded by three NIDA R01 grants, which address the addiction treatment gap and systems-based practice to improve quality of care for the treatment of opioid use disorder through the development of an OUD Cascade of Care public health framework and which utilize Medicare and Medicaid insurance claims. He is also currently funded by NIDA CTN and SAMHSA grants to respond to the opioid crisis through SAMHSA funded initiatives to assist state agency efforts to respond to the opioid crisis through data management. Additionally, the CDC supports 10% of his salary to support CDC efforts with localities to surveil adverse events and linkage to care under the OUD Cascade. His work on the OUD Cascade has been invited as expert testimony to the NIH HEAL Initiative twice, NIH HEAL JCOIN, NIDA CTN, APA, and SAMHSA CSAT. For this work, he was awarded the American Psychiatry Association (APA) Health Services Researcher of the Year, Early Career Scholar (2019) and appointed to the APA Committee on Quality and Performance Measurement (2021). He also recently served as an expert consultant to the National Quality Forum (2021-2022) for quality measure development for OUD.