Kate Reed

Kate Reed brings a decade of experience across East Africa, the Middle East, Singapore, Ukraine and Illinois. She serves as a trauma-informed link between public health, public safety and the impacted populations. As a trauma-informed consultant and public health analyst, Kate helps organizations develop healthy leaders, healing cultures and helpful responses to mental health needs and substance use disorders.

Kate has received national awards and helped her community receive national recognition for their grassroots efforts to cultivate a trauma-informed community, elevating disproportionately impacted populations. She completed a year of leadership learning as a fellow of the National Leadership Academy for the Public’s Health under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Public Health Institute. She also graduated from the National Coalition Academy with the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America with expertise in building cross-sector collaboration to cultivate community-level change. She is a Certified Guide through GiANT Worldwide, a global leader development company focused on being and developing healthy leaders worth following.

Kate enjoyed her last two years living on Mt. Carmel overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in Israel where she received an International Master of Public Health degree specialized in Health Systems Administration and Global Health Leadership at the University of Haifa. Kate's undergraduate studies at Olivet Nazarene University were in Social Work and Not-for-Profit Management. She currently serves as the CDC Foundation Public Health Analyst for the Overdose Response Strategy embedded in the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Chicago High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas.



Healthy Leaders, Healing Cultures, and Helpful Response: A Trauma-Informed Continuum to Sustain Flourishing of Impacted Families and Responders

Tuesday, April 02, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM