Cara Ferguson

Cara Ferguson is a Prevention Coordinator for High Point Treatment Center’s Prevention Services Department. She graduated from Clark University in 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science, and a focus on American Government & Public Policy. Her career in prevention work is mainly focused on developing and implementing Photovoice Projects, centered on underage problem gambling, throughout Southeastern Massachusetts. Beyond Photovoice, she works with local public and vocational-technical schools to deliver training and workshops, such as the Collaborative’s “Shoptalks” program which teaches students about the risks of substance use, coping and refusal skills, the science of overdose, overdose prevention, and how to use Narcan. Her role also includes overseeing the cultivation of culturally competent substance use prevention and mental health resources for the community, such as High Point Prevention Services’ Drug Handbook: an in-depth content guide focused on drugs, alcohol, and the societal impact of substance use. Ferguson is a certified Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor and is currently on the path to obtaining her Massachusetts Community Health Worker certification.



Giving Vocational-Technical Schools a Toolset for Substance Use Prevention

Tuesday, April 02, 2024
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM