Exhibitors & Sponsors

Marketing & Sponsorship Opportunities

Returning to Anaheim in December 2025, Evolution of Psychotherapy offers multiple exhibit and sponsorship options to share your services, including brand strengthening, lead generation, thought leadership demonstration, and on-site market research.

To be notified when the 2025 prospectus and floor plan become available, please complete the form below.

Exhibits & Sponsorship Services Contacts

All Companies Except Pharmaceuticals:

Melanie Melcher
Senior Manager, National Accounts

Pharmaceutical Companies:

Katelyn Hennessy
Senior Manager, National Accounts
610.560.0500 x4228

Kristy Ward
Senior Manager, National Accounts
609.632.1718 x 5254



Beware of Unauthorized List Rental Solicitations

The conference does not sell its attendee/exhibitor email lists. If you receive an email or phone call from someone with an offer to sell the conference's attendee/exhibitor lists, this is a scam. If you receive this type of email, please forward it to Tara Fields at tfields@hmpglobal.com.