November 6-8 | Virtual |View upcoming dates
Ryan Holley-Mallo is double board certified in both family and emergency practice. He has over a decade of experience in practice caring for patients in both family and emergency care environments. In addition to clinical practice, Dr. Holley-Mallo has completed a PhD in Health Education Leadership and his research interest lies in Men’s Health Promotion and the Psychology of Masculinity. His research and curriculum design in Men’s Health has been implemented in six different universities throughout the US. He has written on men’s health topics in both textbooks and journals, as well as interviewed on two different radio shows as a leading expert in men’s health. Dr. Holley-Mallo speaks nationally on men’s health and LGBTQIA health promotion. Dr. Holley-Mallo is an Associate Profressor at Beal Univeristy in Bangor, ME and he currently practices Family & Emergency Medicine in the greater Grand Rapids, Michigan area. He has served as president of the Central Chapter of the Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners and as a state representative for the American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners. Dr. Holley-Mallo is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.